from things we knew when the house caught fire
short by drury
They were the bad neighbors. That was the thinking. But let me back up.
here is a list of things:
Best Amerian Non-required Reading 2003 p. 117
They were the bad neighbors. That was the thinking. But let me back up.
here is a list of things:
- BMW (him)
- Sport utility vehicle (her)
- Franchise coffee (whole bean, bought by the pound, kept in the freezer)
- A Martha Stewart garden you pay someone to garden
- A clean house, brightly lit
- A divorce
- A family who downhill skis (with helmets on) and participates in organized community sports
- A sixty-hour work week
- A daycare where you pay overtime
- A babysitter who sleeps over
- A dog with a new leash who eats biscotti
Best Amerian Non-required Reading 2003 p. 117
I love that story! It really helps show the dark side of suburbia!
You are not right. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I hurry up on job. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.
Thanks a ton! This a terrific website! i SUCK i KNOW
lel u wot m9
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